Book reviews
Recommendations for remodeling a public horticulture volunteer program based upon current trends and practices   

Recommendations for remodeling a public horticulture volunteer program based upon current trends and practices

Terry Alan Jr Boudreau

Paperback. ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing 2011-09-02.
ISBN 9781243448460
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Volunteers are an essential component to the workforce of any public garden. With their added support, volunteers bring new energy and new ideas that can stimulate growth and success. This study developed a set of recommendations for public gardens that wish to remodel and evolve their volunteer programs to become more influential and meaningful to both the garden and its volunteers. Interviews were conducted with nine volunteer managers around the U.S. who are currently or have recently renovated their volunteer programs. The documentation of their challenges and success provides pertinent information for other professionals attempting a program evolution. To create a basis for the study's recommendations, these actions have been compared with other popular volunteer management practices. A questionnaire was also sent to volunteers at each of the nine gardens to gather information about their motivations and satisfactions concerning their volunteering experience. This data was compared to the actions taken by volunteer managers in an effort to determine whether or not the improvements were recognized by the volunteers. The research data from the volunteer managers identified universal components of a successful volunteer program, including the importance of the leader of the volunteer program and his/her actions involved in recruitment, training, evaluation, and recognition. Patterns and outliers became clear through this research, and concluding recommendations establish applicable ideas for newly appointed and seasoned volunteer managers at public horticulture institutions

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Book reviews » Recommendations for remodeling a public horticulture volunteer program based upon current trends and practices
Recommendations for remodeling a public horticulture volunteer program based upon current trends and practices
Recommendations for remodeling a public horticulture volunteer program based upon current trends and practices

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