Book reviews
Never Without You...Again (Kimani Romance)   

Never Without You...Again (Kimani Romance)

Francine Craft

Mass Market Paperback. Kimani 2007-10-01.
ISBN 9780373860371
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How can I forget our past?" Theda Coles wondered as Hunter "Brave Wolf" Davis once again grabbed hold of her heart and refused to let go. Hunter was back in town and back in her life. And the fire that had seared both their hearts a decade ago flared hotter than ever. Theda now struggled to uphold her daytime reputation as a small-town high school principal, even as she secretly reveled in the passionate loving only Hunter could give her at night. Each time they were together, Theda vowed it would be their last. But she couldn't stop seeing him. Even though their relationship meant risking her career

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Book reviews » Never Without You...Again (Kimani Romance)
Never Without You...Again (Kimani Romance)
Never Without You...Again (Kimani Romance)

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