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Investing in Nanotechnology: Think Small. Win Big   

Investing in Nanotechnology: Think Small. Win Big

Jack Uldrich

Paperback. Adams Media 2006-02-01.
ISBN 9781593374082
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Although nanotechnology deals with the very small-the art and science of manipulating and rearranging individual molecules to create useful materials, devices, and systems-its impact on business will be very big. Within a decade, nanotechnology should account for $1 trillion worth of products in the United States alone.

This groundbreaking book provides you with: The steps you MUST take to assess and profit from the nanotech market Relevant information on more than 100 leading public and private nanotech companies-and how to distinguish the real players from the "nano-pretenders" A comprehensive methodology for prudently investing in-and profiting from-nanotechnology in a way that yields market-beating returns while minimizing risk

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Book reviews » Investing in Nanotechnology: Think Small. Win Big
Investing in Nanotechnology: Think Small. Win Big
Investing in Nanotechnology: Think Small. Win Big

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