Book reviews
Slaying the Shadows   

Slaying the Shadows

Carol Van Atta

Paperback. Virginia Pines Press 2003-12-04.
ISBN 9780967928838
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H. B. H. B. Pure Spiritual Thriller   (Rating 5 of 5)

Wow! Talk about a thrill ride to Heaven! For fans of the Christian, spiritual-warfare-genre this is a must read. Although the book has some editing errors, it is still well worth the read. The plot is solid, and the characters are intriging, including the angels and demons. The author weaves biblical truths into this page-turning adventure. The ending was more than suprising, it was stunning. I'm not easily baffled, but I will be reading this again...searching for clues leading up to the ultimate climax. I hope this author signs with a bigger publisher to get the attention her storytelling skills deserve. Enjoy and God bless. (Slaying the Shadows)

Ryan Ryan Sadly it fizzled out...   (Rating 3 of 5)

I wish I could give this book five stars. Some editing errors aside, the plot and the pacing are both solid, and the book touches on a very interesting subject: Can a demon find forgiveness? The book really drew me in right up until it's frustratingly cliched ending. Rather than follow that thread till it's conclusion, Van Atta takes the easy way out and goes for whats already been done by all the other by the book Perretti style christian rags. It's too bad to, cause this could have been GREAT. Instead, it sadly wins the title of indistinguishable. 3 stars. (Slaying the Shadows)

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Slaying the Shadows
Slaying the Shadows

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